Paint Accessories

RPE Cup Paint System

RPE-200/125, RPE-200/190, RPE-400/125, RPE-400/190, RPE-600/125, RPE-600/190, RPE-800/125, RPE-800/190

Experience the future of spray painting with the ProXL Ultimate Paint Cup System. Designed for efficiency and ease of use, this system delivers:

  • 40% Reduced Weight for better handling.
  • 25% Faster Assembly, saving you valuable time.
  • Simple Locking Mechanism for secure and seamless operation.
  • Rapid Adaptor Cleaning to keep your workflow uninterrupted.
  • Seven Easy-to-Use Mixing Ratios, providing versatility for every job.
  • Compatibility with All Spray Guns, making it the ultimate choice for professionals.

Available in 200ml, 400ml, 600ml and 800ml cup sizes as well as 125 and 190µm integrated

  • Kit Contains: 2 rigid outer cups, 50 inner cups, 50 lids, 20 caps

    brochure-download-iconRPE Cup Paint System Leaflet

    brochure-download-iconRPE Cup Paint System Leaflet

    brochure-download-iconRPE Cup Paint System Leaflet